Translating WordPress Made Easy

So far, when working on WordPress projects, I always hit a point in time, where it was necessary to create or alter .po files for themes or plugins, to be able to use them with a German website.

Especially when working with more than one translator (possibly not even having the necessary software) or having to support multiple languages, it becomes very complex and time-consuming. A few weeks ago, I coincidentally came across a plugin, which I have since installed on all(!) my WordPress installations: Codestyling Localization by Heiko Rabe.

With this tool, the user is served with a smooth interface, which makes it even for inexperienced users very easy to comfortably translate .po files. Rightly highlighted in the wordpress-wide (and by myself actively promoted) craze of doing things without plugins:

The plugin does not require any configuration and does not change your database or content. It works “out of the box” if you meet the […] requirements.

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